Hair Inspiration


Written by Jessica De Somma, Hair Stylist, Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Health Counselor

You want a new style, but how do you decide out of the millions of options? The first thing to do when thinking about a change, is to find inspiration. There are endless ideas so it's good to do some of your own research before investing your time and money into your new look! Check out your stylist's portfolio to see what kind of artistic style they have. Each stylist is an individual artist and paints differently; especially when it comes to highlights. Many stylists like myself prefer to showcase their portfolio on Instagram.


Instagram gives you a direct way of seeing all of the artists work without having to read and go through miscellaneous posts. It's a fast, visual way to scroll through and pick out things you like and dislike about a color or style.

Once you start feeling comfortable looking through your stylist's content, and you decide you love their work, go to Pintrest. Sometimes after going through one portfolio on Instagram, you still want a more specific picture or vision of the look you want. You can type in something like 'dark brown rooted balayage platinum' and you will get narrowed down results of your original idea. You can save pictures to a hair color inspiration board on your Pintrest board. This is a great way to show a bunch of similar ideas to your stylist in an organized, easy way.

Another option is bringing in pictures you printed from google images or from magazines. You can also bring in pictures you took yourself from traveling. You can get inspired by looking at a picture’s overall colors and vibe. Your stylist can help you bring these inspirational ideas to life and personalize it for you.

The benefit to knowing exactly what you want is that it helps with open communication and expectations so you leave the salon feeling that you made the best decision! Having pictures helps with the consultation since it's easier to visually see your style than describe it with words. The better the communication, the better the overall product.

Keep in mind- many pictures on the internet can be photo shopped and are unrealistic. The exact style you may love may not be totally attainable or may take multiple services over a period of time to create a certain style. Your stylists may have different ideas to make your color fit with your idea of hair maintenance, life style, and natural coloring to be the most flattering for you.

Colors and styles can be imitated to invoke the essence of a sandy beach, a rich forest of trees, or the leaves in autumn. Where do you find your inspiration? 


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